26 October, 2009

Car Break-in at Carrefour Subang Jaya Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

From: Robert Chan - Tmnet [mailto:robertec@tm.net.my]
Sent: Friday, 30 October, 2009 12:52 AM
To: SJ Alert EMS Community (sjalert@yahoogroups.com)
Subject: Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

Dear Residents

I went to Carrefour Subang Jaya with the family on Monday 26/10/2009 at about 8.00pm to get a quick dinner remembering that a few weeks back someone reported to SJ Alert EMS that her car was broken into whilst she was there. I parked the car very close to the 3rd floor entrance as I normally do, I don't just park in any available parking space and most times I would even wait for such parking space to become available.

See all the pictures here

Having found what I thought was a safe enough place (four cars away and facing the entrance), I thought nothing of leaving my Computer & Digital cameras in the car. These items were well hidden behind the driver's seat. It was not possible to see inside the rear of the car as I have very heavy tints and sun shades that permanently covered the rear windows. We went our merry way, thinking that since the period at Carrefour would be very short it would be okay,

We finally did not have Dinner at Carrefour and returned to the car at around 9.15pm to find that the rear driver's window of my car was smashed and items inside removed. I will post the pictures that I took with my mobile phones at a later date when my Computer system is purchased.

What I lost
These are the Material things that were stolen
1. Dell Vostro Notebook (Service Tag No.D94FS1S / Express Service Code: 288-498-206-08) which I was bringing home to re-install Windows Vista Business together with all the original CDs, external Hard Disks, My Internet Banking Security Cards and Internet Banking Dongles, etc...
2. A Canon 7.1 Megapixel Compact Digital Camera and
3. My newly purchased (02/10/09) Pentax Digital SLR Camera (Serial No. 3166127147442) & Lens (Serial No.6501617147392)., including a few hi capacity SDHC Cards and other photographic accessories... I was to use the camera the next day to take pictures of the various proposed LRT sites to highlight at the www.lrttosubangjaya.blogspot.com website so that residents have a better perspective when they submit their comments and feedbacks.

Total cost of my carelessness: RM6,000.00

What is not so easy to replace
What I also lost was 20days of my working life (according to my last full backup of my Hard Disk), these included almost all the emails and files that I used to setup the LRT to Subang Jaya/USJ Website, SJ Alert members registration and other work related research and more than 2500 pictures I took with the new camera during my recent overseas trips.

There was a witness who saw the incident (he works as a promoter at Carrefour). He said that as he was parking his car at about 8.45pm, he noticed a small sized Chinese looking guy reaching into and removing things from my car and immediately ran to a waiting motorcycle upon been spotted. This witness says he is able to identify the criminal and that he was willing to help the Police and Carrefour to spot the crook if he should decide to return to do his dirty deed again..

My apologies

I am sorry that I have added to the crime statistics in Subang Jaya, that I am one very careful person with regards to ensuring that there are no opportunities for crime to happen actually amounts to nothing. I suppose you can say that no one is immune to Crime, we can only always remember to be vigilant to prevent it from happening..I have been dispensing advice as if I was some expert in Crime prevention sadly I have been brought down to earth.

Remedial Action

Together with Mr. Teoh of SJ Echo, we approached the management of Carrefour Subang Jaya the very next day. And after a long discussion with Mr. Antoine Gerrier - the Store Director, Mr. Micheal Chang the Security Officer in the presence of Ms Kumutha Veeriah the Customer Care Manager, we have been assured that Carrefour Subang Jaya will dispense their Corporate responsibilities by taking immediate steps to prevent another such incident from happening in their premises and to their customers, these steps include::

1. Brightening all Car Park areas in Carrefour Subang Jaya
2. Installing CCTV around the Car park areas with clear indications to would-be criminals that the area is CCTV monitored
3. Increased regular patrols by their security personnel

all these to be implemented within 2 weeks from the date of our meeting. We have also been invited by Mr. Antoine Gerrier to make a joint inspection together with the Police that the needful has been done.
By the way Antoine is now a member of SJ Alert.

Crime prevention is a shared responsibility.... there I go again, dispensing advice, sorry..

And YES a Police report was made.


For more comments with regards to the Car Break-in at Carrefour Subang Jaya goto:


  1. From: Hannah Yeoh [mailto:hannahyeohts@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 2:08 AM
    To: robertec - Tmnet
    Cc: Reuben David
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday,26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear Robert,

    So sorry to hear about this. I thank God you were not injured in anyway.

    Take care.



    From: Kevin Pereira [mailto:kevinpereirajr@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 2:26 AM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Hi Robert,

    Sad to see yr mail today, indeed we are all targets of crime, no matter what we do or how best we think we have fooled the criminals they are always one step ahead of us. Mind set, we are always possible targets.
    Kevin Pereira Jr.
    Mobile No: 012 323 9128


    From: leetee9@gmail.com [mailto:leetee9@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 8:12 AM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear Robert,

    It is indeed very unfortunate.

    These buggars must have scanned your laptop.

    We shop regularly at Carrefour and do find the parking area quite dark.

    After your unfortunate incident, it just reminds us to be extra vigilant at all times.

    Thank you again robert..

    Ar. Anthony Lee Tee
    Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis


    From: JACK DS [mailto:jack10dd@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 8:27 AM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear Robert - sorry for the lost .

    One main advice is : Don' leave anything at all in the car. Leave it empty and there is no reason for one to break the car.

    On a heavier note : My friend on the eve of Deepavali - 2 indian fellow releived his Sentra , all his jeweleries , HP , wallet .He walked down his apartment near Titiwangsa. Lucky he is safe. He did not give a fight. Losing all and everything.

    REMEMBER: " One Mind - One Voice - One Goal - One Vision -



    From: tan eng tor [mailto:ettan5588@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 8:29 AM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Sorry to hear about your loss,but again ,for everyone information do not leave your laptop in the car, there is a device to detact it present in the car.And also IF your Bluetooth is activated at all time, by just using a h/phone they can also detect the present of laptop in a car!!!


    From: Patricia Nunis [mailto:patnunis@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 10:21 AM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Hi all

    I am sorry to hear of Robert's loss of materials from his car. Here is the thing - my friends and family have lost laptops and stuff from cars parked outside churches, at petrol stations, in shopping complex parking lots etc. The robbers have a device that can locate digital equipment thru the car... so it does not matter where you hide it. This is not an urban legend. The device is made in China.

    Leave nothing in your car .... also preferably not your spare housekeys or house address.

    Keep safe.....

    Pat Nunis

  2. From: ramaish@streamyx.com [mailto:ramaish@streamyx.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 12:17 PM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear All,
    Sorry to hear that a friend of SJ alert has lost his belongings fro his car in Carrefour SJ. Pls note that your car can be a target especially since it is tinted and luxury car.
    Two things ,if you keep lap tops in a car it can be detected by a device that most thieves carry these days.
    Secondly if you have just bought these items from a store or shop before going to Carrefour you need to be vigilant has there are always these bad hats prowling around such places and keeping tab on people who are purchasing expensive items and sometimes there are cases where people are followed by such criminals.

    Take Care,


    From: sohivideo [mailto:sohivideo@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 1:25 PM
    To: Robert Chan
    Subject: Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Sorry bro,

    a little complacency resulted in a costly lost... be extra careful in future.




    From: Vijay Tharma [mailto:vijaytharma@hotmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 3:42 PM
    To: robertec@tm.net.my
    Subject: RE: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Hi Robert,

    Sorry to hear about the mishap, mate.

    I just couldnt understand how the criminal picked your car?! :-(

    Normally this happens, when they had followed you from a purchasing place or you could have been too careful prior leaving your car, by checking all items are intact?

    20 days lost of job worth, is huge, just couldnt imagine.

    You take care, bro. Feel free to contact me if I could assist in any way.




    From: Roslan Ali [mailto:roslanuitm@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 4:32 PM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear Robert,

    I was told thief could detect the presence of laptop inside a car by using some kind of scanner. I do not know how true it is ? Anyway, Robert II felt sorry for the losses.



    From: Bathu [mailto:bathu@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 6:01 PM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for bringing this up with Carrefour. You really have done a great community service (as usual) for all of us.


  3. From: Michael Sundram [mailto:sundram_michael@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 6:57 PM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear Robert,

    Sorry to hear of your loss. Also thanks for the info.

    Kind Regards,
    Michael Sundram


    From: abisofian@gmail.com [mailto:abisofian@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 10:31 PM
    To: Patrick Tan; SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm


    Truly sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. I am not sure whether to agree with Patrick that you loss is Subang Jaya folks' gain vis-a-vis better (not sure safer) environment at Carrefour's complex. To me their action is too late and almost bordering on ignorant of the highest order. I mean the Canny Ong's case happened many years ago. For a big corporate citizen like Carrefour to need Robert or any other person for that matter to suffer such an anguish and loss to act properly while making profits with major contributions from SJ folks does not seem like a caring act. Good that they want to install in two weeks what they should have done negative years ago! At the risk of sounding too extreeme and unreasonable, perhaps we all should refrain ourselves from going and shopping at Carrefour SJ for one Saturday or Sunday if not both. This is not to deprive them and their Malaysian employees from earning a living but to send a clear message to the community at large and business corporations in particular that they ought to play their part properly and adequately towards a safer nation.

    'Love Thy Neighbour and Enrich Our Community'

    Abi Sofian
    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

  4. From: steven aroki [mailto:steven.aroki@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, 30 October 2009 11:55 PM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm


    sorry to hear about the robbery. was there a chance you were followed, maybe from camera shop or was yr pc on stand by mode?



    From: Lesley C W Hoh [mailto:lcwhoh@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Saturday, 31 October 2009 4:08 AM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Hi Robert

    Sorry to hear of your unfortunate incident. Thanks for following up with Carrefour re improving conditions at their carparks. Their basement carpark levels are in particularly bad condition and I shall be looking out for improvements over the next few weeks according to their commitments. I park in the basement levels when I go to the supermarket so will keep you posted on what I find.

    Take care.


    From: Chris LOW [mailto:chris8low@hotmail.com]
    Sent: Saturday, 31 October 2009 6:57 PM
    To: sj echo blog
    Subject: RE: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Well said, Patrick.

    So unfortunate that action is ONLY taken (speculative) where there is reward in return!! You may just ask me what reward!! The free publicity Carrefour will receive on the SJEcho website!!

    I wondered how many cases have happened in (Un)Carrefour carpark!! If it is not Robert BUT another ordinary Ahmad, Samy or Ah Kow, I bet it is just another statistics with the police!


    Just look at the B1 (basement 1) carpark as you enter. IT STINKS !!! and is always wet with leachate. Its been like this for so long...... and still not action taken.

    I hope Carrefour management is a subscriber to this SJAlert blog!!

    chris low,

  5. From: Robert Chan - Tmnet [mailto:robertec@tm.net.my]
    Sent: Wednesday, 04 November, 2009 9:18 PM
    To: SJ Alert EMS Community (sjalert@yahoogroups.com)
    Subject: FW: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm - 5 replies

    Dear Residents

    Thanks for the many emails (which I will refrain from posting) and SMSes that were send with regards to my loss, really much appreciated.

    As I start to get things back to normal, I will soon post the pictures once I get them out of my Mobile Phones, together with other relevant details.

    In the meantime, I look forward to visiting Carrefour when the 2 weeks are up.



    From: KUMARA KULASINGAM [mailto:kisugi1@hotmail.com]
    Sent: Monday, 02 November, 2009 9:28 PM
    To: sjalert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: RE: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm - 16 replies

    For you info, when we had the 'policing' meeting some two months ago at the SS17 Police Station, Joe Singh and I had informed the Security rep from Carrefore who also attended the meeting the proper method for his men to watch the area insted of his men sitting. I have noticed this at the car park. At tmes there are no one around.I fact I had requested the guard to follow women when they are going to their cars.These are only preventive methods.


    S.K.Kulasingam SS14


    From: Tony Chang [mailto:tony_sysmax@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Monday, 02 November, 2009 11:25 PM
    To: SJ Alert EMS Community; SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: FW: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm - 16 replies

    Dear Robert
    I fully support the proposal mooted by Abi Sufian that if Carrefour does NOT light up
    the car park and install the CTV, we should boycott Carrefour. After all, there are other
    supermarkets in Subang Jaya/USJ area.
    I will be keeping a tab on Carrefour's progress. If there is no action by Carrefour, I will start
    the boycoot campaign.

    Best regards
    No Nonsence Resident

  6. -----Original Message-----
    From: jessica lee [mailto:sclee.jessica@gmail.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, 03 November, 2009 4:33 PM
    To: SJAlert@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm

    Dear Robert,

    Sorry for the loss of all your valuables.
    I am glad that you were not hurt. I understand how traumatizing and frustrating this is for you as I was robbed many times.

    Crime is everywhere now.No such thing as being toocareful.

    Just today at noon around USJ 3 / 4 T..I believe a robbery took place.
    Not too sure of the details but my daughter saw the robber running to the open field nearby with a policeman running after him.

    I saw the police taking him away in the patrol car after that.

    Well done!! to the policeman who gave chase.and caught the guy too.

    After that we left the house and on our way out ,saw two cars that were involved in a collision at 3 / 4T. Apparentlly the thieving couple were in the grey Persona.We also saw a green Avanza that lost one entire back wheel ,stuck in some bushes next to the corner house.

    Apparently,the thieving lady escaped.

    Seems they were trying to hijack the green Avanza or something.
    This story came from my neighbour.Cannot confirm the story but there was indeed an attempted robbery in broad daylight here in this area today.

    Perhaps some one could enlighten us.

    We can never be too careful.

    I am sorry to all those who have had the experience of being robbed or their house broken into.

    Please Do something concrete to secure your house and be very careful even as you are leaving the house.
    I don't know how far the GnG has helped your neighbourhoods but I believe we should take our own measures to secure our home first and not take for granted that the GnG areas are 100% secured.No offence meant.

    Tq and I hope that more baddies will be nabbed.
    Well done to the Police!


    From: Felix Thai [mailto:thai_felix@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, 03 November, 2009 5:16 PM
    To: Robert
    Subject: Re: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm - 16 replies

    Dear Robert,

    I am sorry to hear of the incident that befell on you at Carrefour car park. Thank God, it is fortunate that nothing happens to you except that the things were stolen. Of course those things were invaluable to you. Anyway, let's hope for better security and surveillance by the management of Carrefour.

    Regards and take care. God bless.


    From: Ong Hua Meng [mailto:onghuameng@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Monday, 02 November, 2009 2:48 PM
    To: robertec@tm.net.my
    Subject: Re: FW: SJ Alert EMS Car Break-in at Carrefour Carpark on Monday, 26/10/2009 at 8.45pm - 16 replies

    Hi Boss,
    Sorry to hear about your loss, Dont worry lar, just treat it as a big donation to an unfortunate soul who seems to need it more than you. $ can be replace soa ll is not lost
